Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Playdoh Fun!

During our artic freeze in Chicago I decided to do some sensory play activities and make clay (play doh). I didn't realize how easy it was to make and I would have made some a long time ago! 

All you need is 1/2 cup of flour, 1/2 cup salt, and 1/2 cup of water. I mixed in a baking pan with my hand and within a minute I had play doh! I love that its made from regular ingredients you'll find in the kitchen pantry since the lil' diva still likes to explore using the sense of taste. She did learn quickly though that the taste of it wasn't too great lol. I found some kitchen utensils to use as instruments in playing with the playdoh and overall it was a lot of fun with very minimal messes!! The following day I made more playdoh but used red coloring (koolaid mixes) so now we'll make this a weekly project until we have a colorful array of playdoh :)

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Intro to the story...

So I knew I was destined to be in Chi Town when Y! avatars created a look that was exactly identical to an outfit I wore last winter while visiting Chicago lol Seriously, I have always been a city girl trapped in the suburbs but God has finally given me the opportunity to be where I want to be. So this blog will detail my adventures of living in Chicago shown through photos (because why type a thousand words when a picture can do the same :P). I was actually inspired by this concept from Lala's blog ( since thats what she does on her website. That's the super condensed version of why I am starting a blog/moving to Chicago!